2024年12月3日 星期二
2024年9月30日 星期一
[Note] 2020-2024演期投稿的文章
- 釋演期(2020),「一場三十多天的禪七」,法鼓文苑11期,第64-68頁,法鼓僧伽大學
- 釋演期(2020),「耳根圓通,從聽到覺」,法鼓文苑11期,第126-127頁,法鼓僧伽大學
- 釋演期(2020),「練字也鍊心」,法鼓文苑11期,第132-133頁,法鼓僧伽大學
- 釋演期(2021),「話佛.話僧」,法鼓文苑12期,第71-72頁,法鼓僧伽大學
- 釋演期(2021),「人生是來還願、受報與發願」,法鼓文苑12期,第110-111頁,法鼓僧伽大學
- 釋演期、釋演保、釋演究、釋寬融(2022),「二十一世紀漢傳禪佛教的消融性、適應性與包容性」,法鼓文苑13期,第11-14頁,法鼓僧伽大學
- 釋寬融,釋演期(2022),「《楞嚴經》與飲食男女」,法鼓文苑13期,第60-63頁,法鼓僧伽大學
- 釋演期(2022),「我與我們—調整口味,從是非中解脫」,法鼓文苑13期,第132-137頁,法鼓僧伽大學
- 釋演期(2023),「練習無住生心的淨灘」,法鼓文苑第14期,第24-26頁,法鼓僧伽大學
- 釋演期(2023),「今對佛前求懺悔」,法鼓文苑第14期,第52-53頁,法鼓僧伽大學
- 釋演期(2024),「回到當下,融入當地生活」,法鼓雜誌9月號,第417期,第4頁,法鼓文化
2024年9月17日 星期二
[心得 Reflection] 禪意與畫境:一場父子聯展的心靈交流 The Essence of Chan and Art: A Spiritual Dialogue in a Father-Son Exhibition
※English was translated by ChatGPT and edited by Yanqi.
The Essence of Chan and Art: A Spiritual Dialogue in a Father-Son Exhibition
Upon learning that Liao Ji Chong (廖繼崇) Pusa was hosting an art exhibition, I felt particularly intrigued, as this was no ordinary show but a father-son joint exhibition featuring Liao Dezhen (廖德政) Pusa and Ji Chong Pusa himself. From my limited experience art exhibitions are typically individual showcases, but a father-son collaboration is rare. This exhibition, titled "Zen Scenery(禪景)," drew even more attention. At first glance, the word "Zen" naturally evokes Japanese Zen Buddhism; however, the term "Zen Scenery" reminded me of the wisdom of Chinese Chan Buddhism, which integrates Chan practice into daily life. If the aim of the exhibition were to promote Chinese Chan, perhaps the term "Chan" could better express the lively and dynamic spirit of everyday Chan. Yet, given the calm and contemplative nature of the theme, the use of "Zen" seemed quite fitting.On the day of the opening, I chose to visit later in the day to avoid the crowds. Through Ji Chong Pusa’s detailed explanation, I gained a preliminary understanding of oil painting—the ethereal quality of oil painting is achieved through layers upon layers of color, each layer blending with the others, much like the phenomena of the world, which are interdependent and intertwined. The process of painting is akin to the path of spiritual cultivation: the journey itself is the goal. Every moment contains both cause and effect, yet ordinary people often focus only on the results, neglecting the preciousness of each moment.
I was particularly impressed by several paintings depicting views of Guanyin Mountain from the Liao family residence. Between 2013 and 2014, Ji Chong Pusa used these paintings to interact deeply with his father, Liao Dezhen Pusa. Since 1994, when Ji Chong began learning to paint, the distant view of Guanyin Mountain has been one of his recurring subjects. When I compared the paintings from two decades apart, I could clearly sense the shift in Ji Chong Pusa’s state of mind. To describe this transformation, I would use the metaphor "through mist, through matter, and into wisdom"—from the exploration and practice of painting to painting with pure intent, and finally, to letting go of the pursuit itself, allowing the mind to become increasingly open and clear.
One of Liao Dezhen Pusa's later works, a painting featuring the Golden Gate Bridge, particularly reveals the tranquil and far-reaching state of mind he possessed in his later years. Meanwhile, Ji Chong Pusa also used the Golden Gate Bridge as a subject, but his choice to depict it through the lens of a forest view conveyed a sense of being in the world, yet longing for a life of simplicity and contentment under the shelter of great trees.
Another noteworthy piece is Liao Dezhen Pusa’s 1997 watercolor painting, Sword Lily. At the time, he casually remarked that he wished this piece could be rendered in oil. Twenty years later, Ji Chong Pusa fulfilled his father's wish by completing Sword Lily as an oil painting. I believe Ji Chong Pusa not only inherited his father’s spirit but also, through his practice of Chan and art, forged a unique path of his own.
Though I am not well-versed in the techniques of oil painting, through quiet observation, I could deeply feel the state of mind and emotions conveyed by the artist. The profound bond between father and son was also vividly expressed in the exhibition. As the Avatamsaka Sutra says: "The mind is like a skillful painter, able to paint the whole world; the five aggregates arise from it, and there is nothing it cannot create." Just as the completion of an oil painting takes years of accumulation, the cultivation of a painter’s inner world also requires the passage of time. Similarly, the development of a Chan practitioner, whether through daily cultivation or living mindfully, follows the same gradual path.
I am deeply grateful to Ji Chong Pusa and Anna Pusa for their warm hospitality, which gave me the opportunity to experience Chan from a new perspective.
2024年3月31日 星期日
[心得 Reflection] 淨灘心得—海岸線的合韻 Beach Cleanup Reflection: The Harmonious Shoreline
This beach cleanup event may well be my last during my monastic years at Sangha University. Reflecting on the past, beach cleanups at the monastery were always accompanied by rain, and today was no exception. However, as soon as we stepped out of the car, the rain ceased, and the sun peeked through the clouds. It wasn’t until the final group photo that we felt the raindrops once more.
Each time I embark on a beach cleanup, I find myself unintentionally playing the roles of “hero” and “savior.” It’s as if I must completely cleanse this stretch of beach to honor the environment. I often choose less frequented corners, quietly picking up trash. However, this time, the event drew a large crowd, and people were everywhere. So, I began observing the surroundings and everyone’s actions.
The beach trash, saturated with seawater, felt exceptionally heavy. Even after bagging it, the weight increased. Most of the participants were female monastics and bodhisattvas. In a moment of inspiration, I repurposed discarded baskets and ropes, creating a more efficient way to transport the heavy bags—something akin to a makeshift sled.
Not everyone needs to perform the same tasks, nor should we rely solely on brute force. During the process, taking breaks, relaxing, and assessing the environment’s needs can be just as effective. After the cleanup, we returned to Dharma Drum Mountain, changed into clean clothes, and shared a meal together. Over a hundred people from various organizations participated in this event. The venerable leading the reflection and sharing session ensured that every monastic and participant had a chance to express their insights, fostering a sense of camaraderie among strangers.
During the gathering, Kanbe shared that it was his first beach cleanup experience, leaving a profound impression. He appreciated the teamwork, which surpassed individual efforts. Furthermore, this cleanup experience prompted him to contemplate how he could contribute to the environment through mindful consumption.
I commend the venerable for facilitating the sharing session. It’s a model worth emulating—providing each participant with an opportunity to share their reflections, creating an unexpected sense of unity among unfamiliar faces.
Until the next beach cleanup, farewell to the shore.
2023年1月21日 星期六
[Note] 生命中的年三十夜
Ref: 人生雜誌366期 p.22 生命中的年三十夜
2021年2月17日 星期三
[心得] 佛畫-話佛•話僧
2020年6月1日 星期一
[心得] 僧伽大學教務專題:《楞嚴經》耳根圓通法門—〈耳根圓通—從聽到覺〉
進入僧大的團體生活,有些同學因習慣不同,不適應與他人同寮共寢。此時也是練 習耳根圓通法門的機會—告訴自己要睡覺了,從放鬆身體開始,身體隨著呼吸進 出,放鬆下沉,聆聽著環境的聲音,寮友此起彼落的打呼聲,窗外蟲鳴蛙叫聲,漸 漸變成了背景,就如吸音板,沒有刻意要聽什麼,聲音單純是聲音,不給名字形容 比較,單純地聽到,但心不對聲音反應,持續放鬆,漸漸地就睡著了。
從聽到覺—演期研究聽力與聲音十幾年,從研究所到工作幾年,研究聽力損失者的 聽力保健、開發聽力輔具、正常人的聽力保護裝置等。近幾年學佛修行之後,漸漸 發現,實際上聽「覺」的能力並不會隨著年齡而退化,從小到大,從此生到來生, 能夠「覺」的能力並沒有消失過,只需透過耳根圓通法門的修持,來找到那人人本 具、不生不滅的「覺」性。